What is your favorite coffee cup saying to you? This question feels like a setup for a joke to which I reply, my coffee mug is saying,“Looks like you have a latte on your mind”(insert snare drum rimshot)Hilarity aside, objects have nonverbal cues that talk to us! What makes your favorite coffee cup your first pick? The way it looks?How it feels in your hand?The color? (This study found a white mug enhanced the rated “intensity” of coffee flavor)How it holds the perfect amount?That it keeps your coffee warm for the right amount of time?The story associated with the cup?The ritual? Simply put, your coffee cup makes you feel a certain way. And clearly, coffee just tastes better in it! And that, my friends, is the power of nonverbals. By now you might be thinking,“Wait, if a coffee cup can make us feel things, what about how I’m showing up? How does that impact things?” Nonverbals don't apply just to objects. They 2,953% apply to us!!It’s the power of making human connections with others.How we show up and make others feel matters. It’s often the difference between:An employee staying or leaving a companyA coaching session leading to real changeA company attracting the right candidatesA community making newcomers feel welcomeA customer feeling seen and heard Understanding and mastering the art of nonverbal communication is a game changer.It turns out that empathy matters. In everything. And it’s why understanding cues are critical. Your co-pilot (who has a pecking order for her favorite coffee cups),