Feeling Squirrelly?

"Kristin, I just saw my first squirrel!"

-Ceren, our exchange student from Turkey

I don’t know why I’m surprised to hear this comment because every exchange our family has ever hosted has said the same thing. 


*claps hands for emphasis!*

Squirrels are something I take for granted.

I don’t often see them. 

They blend in. 

They have always been a part of my landscape so I rarely consider their impact and presence.

I don’t have that moment of “Look, a squirrel!” unless it’s doing a trick, something hilarious, or being adorable.

The "squirrel phenomenon" (clearly my own term), is just like learning body language.

You start to see things that you hadn’t seen before.

Things that were always there but you just didn’t see them.

Things like:

Subtle signs of discomfort and nerves.

Cues of disgust or contempt. 

Signs of openness.

Cues of interest.



Nonverbals that are welcoming.

Or unwelcoming.

We are constantly sending and receiving signals.

And being able to read and harness these signals is a true gift.


Learning body language is like seeing the world in high definition.

Things become more clear.

If you've been going around and around with ways to improve your people skills, consider learning more about nonverbal communication.
Happily, I can help!

Your co-pilot (who’s feeling a bit squirrelly!)


Three Squirrel Fun Facts:

  1. Squirrels’ eyes are positioned in a way that allows them to see behind them.
  2. Squirrels can eat their own body weight every week, which is roughly 1.5 pounds.
  3. The hind legs of squirrels are double-jointed, which gives them the ability to run up and trees quickly.

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