I'm late to the party... 

But hey, I’ve arrived and am dying to plop some storytelling goodness in your lap whether you are wearing white pants or not.

I recently discovered Elyse Myers, of Tik Tok fame, and can't get enough of her epic storytelling style.

I mean, what's not to like?

She’s funny, pauses like a pro, has fabulous graphics, and she uses her hands like a ninja! 

The video below, Taco Guy, is her tale about her worst date ever and it’s the story that put her on the map.

Check it out as it’s worth the 2:41 minutes of your life!

There are many things that make Elyse an excellent storyteller, but it's her hands and her relatability that get the prize in my book.

From a body language standpoint, hands are a great way to signal confidence. Highly competent people use explanatory gestures to help expand, explain and expound on their verbal message.

Elyse helps paint the scene of her stories by using her hands to effectively pull you into her story.

My favorite moments from this video include:

"Left at this turn signal?"
"Did you forget your wallet?"
"The hoops I am teleporting through"
"I am just calmly unwrapping my taco"
"I am just collecting the tacos because I paid for them"

Clearly, Elyse is funny. 

She knows how to use dramatic pauses. 

She chooses clever words. 

Her graphics add to the overall effect.

Yet what makes her so compelling is her relatability.

She’s typically in a sweatshirt (or graphic T-shirt or something comfortable) drinking a coffee and sharing her tales.

Her stories are masterfully crafted but really are about things we’ve all experienced and can all relate to on some level. 

My Takeaway?

I need to practice using my hands purposefully and effectively to add another layer to my stories.

I need to stop overthinking things and just show up as myself.


If you are giving a presentation, pitch, speaking to a team, or just hanging out with friends and telling a good story, consider channeling Elyse Myers and use your hands and authenticity to great effect.

Your co-pilot (who feels lucky to never had a date quite like the Taco Guy experience!),

Kristin Bock


Got any cool body language stories to share?

I’m always up for a good tale and will happily listen and give you a shout-out. Do tell!

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