You know that moment when you see something unexpectedly--mid-bite, mid-stride, mid-email-- and make an incredible observation-- crumbs falling from your mouth (or is that just me)? Your eureka moment, if you will…
I recently experienced this when following a Twitter thread about some ASL interpreters. Lately, several ASL deaf sign language interpreters have been slaying their craft and are stealing the spotlight in the process!
Because, in my opinion, their work is a masterclass in nonverbal communication!
Check out David Cowan’s epic signing while interpreting Beyonce’s “Get Me Bodied” song! It allows you to actually feel the music. It’s worth watching the clip to see David’s great moves!
This past year David has made headlines with his signing abilities interpreting for several political figures including the December 1st impassioned speech by Gabriel Sterling.
And then there’s Nic Zapko who’s interpreting genius is also being highlighted. This interview below sums up how deaf individuals are able to sign to groups and underscores the importance of nonverbal cues–tone and emotion!
The Cliff Notes version:
A hearing ASL interpreter is needed to sign to the ASL deaf interpreter in order to relay the emotions, in real-time, in order to provide a full language experience. And, an ASL deaf interpreter is needed to provide the deaf community’s lived experience. In brief, it’s a “team sport”.
That’s cool!
I am mesmerized by Nic’s ability to clearly and accurately show the emotion being felt in the room and provide a full picture of what is happening. Context is an integral part of nonverbal communication and by partnering with hearing ASL interpreters, ASL deaf interpreters are able to fill in this data gap and provide additional cues.
I love it. And I can’t stop watching it.
Your co-pilot (who now wants a crash course in ASL),