How to Interrupt Someone, Politely!
A fish, a bookmark, and a pupil walk into a bar…
...and they all use their nonverbal powers to interrupt the chatty guy sitting next to them who has been going on and on and on about the state of the world and all of the young whippersnappers that are doing him wrong!
With the upcoming presidential election nearly upon us, it’s imperative we equip ourselves with some civil ways to nonverbally interrupt that Chatty Cathy who just won’t stop talking. For the love of Pete can you just stop!
My mentor, Vanessa VanEdwards, has identified these three ways to pull off this feat. Each one builds in strength and they can be layered upon one another for added effect.
Step 1
The Fish.
Make your mouth into an O shape, (you know, like a fish!), and imagine you are mouthing the word “or”, “but”, “well”, “and” (insert your favorite interrupting word here). The nonverbal cue of partially opening your mouth cues the listener that you’d like to add something.
Yes, please!

Step 2
The Bookmark.
Slightly holding up your hand and putting it outward is a way to nonverbally attract attention and let the other person know you wish to speak. Imagine a softer, modified version of holding your hand up to say “wait” or “stop”. Got it? You can even throw in the fish mouth for double the impact. #winning

Step 3
The Pupil.
Simply raise your hand like you did when you were a youngster. Lift your hand up to shoulder level with your palm facing outward as in the nonverbal “stop” pose. This is a stronger cue and literally is nonverbally asking to say something. Hello, it’s my turn!

Okay Bravehearts, you are now equipped to civilly and nonverbally interrupt someone. Pull these tricks out of your back pocket and use them when the next situation emerges…and it will emerge because:
- It’s the political season
- A lot of people like to hear themselves talk
- Murphy’s Law… and, you just sat next to the person who has a lot on their mind
Your co-pilot, (who is NOT doing the fish mouth at you),