Awkward penguin

I relate to "awkward penguin vibes" more than I'd care to admit.

Awkward penguin
It's largely why I started studying body language.

With that in mind I thought I'd share five tips to use on a daily basis because being awkward isn't cool.

1. Avoid the "I'm Gonna Stare You Down" Eye Contact

Instead of going with Jedi force eye contact, give just enough (60-70% during conversations) to show you’re not afraid (aka staring at your shoes).  Remember, eye contact is like giving your conversation partner a mental high-five.

2. Assume the "Chair Boss" Pose
Chair boss

Sit like you mean it. No slumping, no collapsing into your chair like a deflated balloon. Show that chair who’s boss by sitting up straight with your shoulders back. You’ve got this!

3. Give The "No Cavities" Smile
No cavities

Disarm even the grumpiest person by flashing a genuine smile. Our emotions are contagious so spread positive energy and smiles everywhere you go. 

4. Throw In Some "Express Yourself" Gestures

Your hands are like your own personal cheerleaders, so put them to good use. Use open gestures to emphasize your points and show you’re owning your story. Use enthusiastic, friendly expressions that say, “I’m here and I’m confident.”

5. Use "Zone Defense" Active Listening cues
Phil Hartman

Listening is like the secret code to human interaction. Nod your head to show you’re tracking the conversation. Maintain eye contact and don’t be afraid to throw in the occasional “uh-huh” to let the speaker know you’re in the zone. Just don’t overdo it.

Keep these simple tips top of mind whether at school, work, or socializing. They will serve you well in life.

Now back to the awkward penguin vibes thing…

I didn’t know the term existed until today. 

And yet it’s pretty spot on for me.

Awkward penguin 2


Your co-pilot  (who continues to work on avoiding awkwardness!),

Kristin Bock


What people skills do you struggle to master?

I’d love to know (especially so I know I’m not alone)!

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