Marigold vs Walnut Tree
I was recently exposed to a new way of viewing people and wanted to share it with you!

So I must ask you a question, "Are you a Marigold or a Walnut Tree?"

Dance with the Marigold Effect

Picture this: 

You’re at a bustling garden party, surrounded by lively plants that burst with color and energy. 

Among them, you find the marigolds—those friends who radiate positivity, as if they’ve consumed an entire batch of sunshine cookies. 

Marigolds are the real-life cheerleaders.

The ones who uplift you, inspire you, and bring out your inner superhero. They’re like life’s personal trainers, helping you conquer challenges and do a few mental push-ups.

They’re the ones who encourage you to chase your dreams, who give you high-fives when you succeed, and who have an uncanny ability to turn even the most mundane tasks into epic adventures. 

Hanging out with your marigolds is like sipping from the fountain of positivity, except that it tastes like rainbow-flavored ice cream on a summer day.

Identifying your marigolds is like discovering the ultimate power-up in the game of life.

Dodge the Walnut Trees

Now, picture a spooky forest:

Complete with ominous whispers and the faint rustling of leaves. 

In this forest, you’ll find the dreaded walnut trees, those dark clouds that rain negativity and sprinkle doubt all around. Because walnut trees give off a toxic substance that can inhibit growth, wilt, and ultimately kill nearby vegetable plants. 

They’re like the grumpy old trolls of your journey, who roll their eyes at your aspirations and insist on telling you that your dreams are about as attainable as finding a unicorn at the grocery store.

Avoiding walnut trees is like dodging raindrops during a sudden downpour. 

They’re the ones who make you doubt your awesomeness, who throw wet blankets over your ideas, and who can zap your energy. 

Grumpy cat

Remember, interacting with walnut trees is like trying to juggle flaming swords—it might sound cool, but it’s probably not a good idea.

Choosing Your Cast of Characters

It’s time to be strategic.

Whether you’re a student, a professional, or just a human trying to adult, the cast of characters you choose to surround yourself with can turn your story into a blockbuster comedy or a dramatic soap opera. 

Seek out those marigolds who embrace your quirks, cheer you on. These are the friends who’ll make you laugh so hard, you’ll forget you’re actually an adult with responsibilities.

As for the walnut trees, treat them like the eccentric characters in a sitcom—watch them from a safe distance and chuckle at their absurdities.

And as my mom used to say,

I’ve made my list of marigold and walnut trees in my life and have a better understanding of my cast of characters.

Your co-pilot  (who is all in on team Marigold!),

Kristin Bock


Who in your life is on team Marigold and who is on Team Walnut Tree?

Make a list of the people in your life and see if you are surrounded by more marigolds or walnut trees.

Respond accordingly.

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