It's Happening!
Life is beginning to “go back to normal” which means we need to review a very basic, yet important, re-entry skill.
Remember the handshake?

It’s hard to know if it will fully come back in vogue, but I’ve got you covered just in case!

But first, why are handshakes so important?

If you’ve ever experienced a bad handshake, you know why!

(I’m looking at you limp fish and bone crusher)

Our handshake says a lot about us and it’s often the first time we have physical contact with someone. 

It’s how we typically first feel connected

Scientifically speaking, the chemical oxytocin is released when we touch someone (or an animal like a pet dog or cat!). It’s what begins to create a bond so getting the handshake right is kind of a big deal.

Here are the basics.

1. Make sure your hand is vertical (not facing up or down). You want to show you are an equal and coming in with your hand on top is a dominance display and offering your hand palm up is a submissive cue.

2. Be firm, but not too firm, with the amount of pressure you use when shaking hands. No one likes a bone crusher or a limp fish! Different cultures give differing amounts of pressure so try to match the other person to make it feel even.

3. Ewww! No one likes a wet handshake. Do your best to keep your hands dry if you have sweaty palms. Try discretely wiping them on your pant leg or keeping a napkin around your drink when at a networking event (remember those?) to avoid the drink’s condensation making your hand feel wet.

Bonus tips!

  • Make sure the web of your thumb connects to the other person’s web. You risk turning into the limp fish if the webs don’t connect.
  • Two to three pumps are enough. More then that and it becomes the everlasting handshake.

Before going live with this move, make sure you’ve tested it out on a friend or family member!

You've got this!

Your co-pilot, (who is virtually shaking your hand using the 3 steps and bonus tips),

Kristin Bock

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