Parrot Video Calls

Polly wants a video call, not a cracker!

Humans benefit from socializing with each other, and birds do, too!

According to a recent study, parrots benefit from socializing with other birds, just like humans benefit from socializing with each other. 

And it gets even better, the birds in the study were even able to make video calls to each other!

(If you are like me you are picturing a group of parrots huddled around a laptop, typing out messages with their tiny little talons and beaks.)

Allow me to clarify.

The birds were taught to ring a bell and touch a photo of another bird on a tablet device to trigger a call to that bird. The calls were limited to five minutes, and their caretakers would terminate the call as soon as the birds’ attention wandered.

Check out the fun here!

And here's the fascinating part...

The parrots engaged more regularly in social behavior like preening, singing, and playing, and the birds who made the most calls received more calls in return. This suggests that the study helped the birds become more social.

And the bonus...

The caretakers also reported improved bonding with their pets!

How cool is that?!

So why is all of this important?

Well, just like parrots, humans are social creatures! 

We thrive on connections with others, and without those connections, we can become lonely and isolated. 

Human interaction is what makes life interesting and fun! 

Whether we’re chatting with friends over coffee, talking about movies and TV series with coworkers, or playing a game of euchre with family members (my husband and I crush our kids at this game–just sayin’), the act of engaging with others is what brings richness and joy to our lives.

That’s why it’s so important to be able to read and interpret the body language of others, as well as to express ourselves clearly and effectively.

Remember to check yourself by asking the following questions:

  • How am I showing up?
  • What are my nonverbals saying about me?
  • How can I be more intentional?

And just like the parrots, we can connect and build rapport in the virtual world as well.

And because we have hands (not beaks and talons!), it’s easy to type!

Your co-pilot  (who is thankful for hands and yet suddenly wants a cracker),

Kristin Bock


Did you know…

I have a presentation about digital connection!

“Keeping Connected: Leveraging Your Virtual Superpowers” covers the “must haves” when virtually communicating!

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