Nonverbal Alchemy!

A little bit of this, a pinch of that, and a dash of a few other things and voila, you've created some irresistible magic!
When it comes to recognizing cues, our brain knows what it's doing. So why not understand the cues so you can be intentional?

Here's the deal. Our brain sees things.

It's VERY situationally aware!

When we see nonverbal cues, like facial expressions, body language, and gestures, our brain’s visual processing system kicks into action. 

And since our brain is wired to process emotions conveyed by nonverbal cues, the amygdala plays a crucial role.

Things like smiles or frowns quickly get assigned  emotional significance since the amygdala uses these cues to assign meaning.

In short,  the instinctive response our brain gives these cues influences our own emotions and shapes our reactions to others.

See the photos below to witness how quickly our brain picks up on these cues!

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So what's the magic potion?

Well, it's not magic. It's being really aware!

It’s understanding the cues you are sending.

It’s accurately interpreting the cues you are receiving.

In other words, being self aware and responsive to others is the secret potion.

The real alchemy is in how we chose to show up and respond to these cues.

Being nonverbally responsive to others requires practice and awareness.

It means showing you are attentive, understanding and engaged.

Here’s a quick checklist of nonverbals to utilize if you wish to wield your nonverbal alchemy:

  1. Nodding: A very simple action that shows active listening and encourages the person to continue sharing their thoughts.
  2. Eye Contact: Appropriate eye contact demonstrates interest and attentiveness. It shows that you are fully present and focused on the person speaking (and who doesn’t want that?!).
  3. Facial Expressions: Using facial expressions to reflect the speaker’s emotions. It’s also a gift to the other person so they can gauge how they are doing.
  4. Mirroring: A quick way to build rapport by subtly and respectfully mirroring someone’s body language. It’s also a great cue to notice to tell you if the conversation is going well.
  5. Active Listening Cues: Displaying active listening cues like leaning slightly forward, maintaining an open posture, and occasionally interjecting with verbal cues like “mm-hmm” or “I see,” shows that you are engaged and attentive to the speaker’s words.

Remember, being nonverbally responsive is about adapting your nonverbal cues to create a comfortable and supportive environment for effective communication. 

The ability to decode & encode (the fancy way of saying receive & send) body language is a sign of incredibly high emotional & social intelligence. Those who know, climb the ladder of success at staggeringly higher rates than their counterparts.

It pays to know nonverbal alchemy (that’s code for body language!)

Ask yourself:

  • How am I showing up?
  • What are my nonverbals saying about me?
  • How can I be more intentional with my cues?

Your co-pilot  (who suddenly feels like mixing up an elixir),

Kristin Bock


What cues have you noticed?

I’d love to hear about your people observations.

What cues do you pick up on? 

What cues confuse you?

What strategies have you used to be more intentional with how you are perceived?

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