You know those moments when things were going fine and then suddenly you feel the confidence just start hemorrhaging out of your body?
Things like:
- Your frenemy just walked into the cafe.
- You are seated at a meeting table and suddenly realize how little experience you have compared to others.
- You are at a party and everyone is sharing hilarious stories so you strategically make your escape to the restroom and try to figure out why your life seems like a boring scene from a black and white movie.
- You have to stand up and “say a few words”…
Me, too!
Enter Freddie Mercury.
And enter he did. Just watching him onstage is a masterclass in confidence. His Live Aid performance is jaw dropping. And so we must study him so that we can dip our cup and drink from the same well of fearlessness.

Let's mix up a cocktail of confidence and place it in our back pocket (or table, rather), shall we?
Step 1: Pour in 2 parts 'Power-Posing'
The science of claiming space is clear. The more area we take up, the more powerful we look and feel. Having an expansive stance and spreading our arms out makes us feel more confident. Freddie is able to get away with larger than life posing because he is on stage. He also strikes MANY variations of power poses. Standing with our feet shoulder-width apart is enough for us mere mortals and still conveys presence and assurance. The launch stance is the goal and looks like this:

Step 2: Add 1 part 'Taking Confident Steps'
The way you walk says a lot about you. Taking small, quick steps with your arms held at your sides indicates nervousness. Check out how Freddie works the stage and takes confident steps throughout his performance. The Bio Motion Lab has shown how gender, weight, mood, and anxiety can all impact our gait. Check out their walking demo and see how these variables impact walking. Our nonverbals are on display when we are entering and exiting a room so be intentional in the manner you do so.
Step 3: Add in engagement and stir vigorously with a swizzle spoon.
Freddie nails interaction with the crowd throughout his epic performance:
1. He goes down onto the lower stage and leans into the crowd to build connection.
2. He makes eye contact with all areas of the crowd.
3. He engages the crowd in singing (all 72,000!):
Ayyyyy-oh (Ayyyyy-oh)
Ay-oh (Ay-oh)
Ay-oh (Ay-oh)
De-da-di-da-di-da-di-de-do (De-da-di-da-di-da-di-de-do)
De-do (De-do)
De-do (De-do)
Alright (Alright)
4. He enjoys himself. Simply put, happy people are more confident.
Give it a go!
I never grow tired of watching Freddie’s performance at Live Aid and channel his moxy when feeling insecure. I laugh out loud at his brashness and willingness to own the stage during his performance. The crowd was putty in his hands and loved every minute of their time together.
Presence is an understatement for what he managed to convey that day.
Now go whip up your own confidence cocktail and drink liberally should the time arrive. And when you need a reminder of how it’s done, check out Freddie’s performance here. It starts to get really good at 4:30 seconds!!